14 April 2014
berita, curhat, events, Galeri, motoGP, otomotifaccident, Comparizone, motoGP, Motor, NewsLetter, satria fu, Teknologi Informasi, trackback, Yamaha
AWe Hello bro n sist Seri motoGP Austin Amerika yang berlangsung dini hari tadi cukup membuat mata Awe tambah ngantuuuuklha gak ngantuk gimana? jalannya balapan hampir bisa dikatakan datar-datar saja..cuman awal balapan yang bikin terkejut, saat Lorenzo melakukan mega jump start.. :???: Berikut ini adalah hal-hal menarik seputar balapan motoGP Austin :
12 April 2014
berita, curhat, Gadget, Galeri, Handphone, PriceList, Teknologiaccident, android, Apple, BlackBerry, Comparizone, Gadget, Kritikan, NewsLetter, samsung, Sony Xperia, Teknologi, Teknologi Informasi, trackback
AWe Hello bro n sist. ada kabar kurang baik nih.. dikabarkan harga ponsel akan merangkak naik jika pemerintah setuju untuk mengenakan pajak pertambahan nilai barang mewah (ppnbm) terhadap produk ponsel. Tak hanya ponsel impor dari luar negeri, tetapi ponsel lokal pun akan terkena ppnbm ponsel sebesar 20%.. :sad:
11 April 2014
berita, events, Galeri, otomotif, TeknologiComparizone, inspirasi modifikasi, modif, modifikasi, modifikasi motor, Motor, motor baru, NewsLetter, otomotif, spare parts, Teknologi Informasi, trackback
AWe Hello bro n sist.. gembar gembor CBR150 lokal kian santer, potongan demi potongan sang kuda besi pun muncul kepermukaan Mulai dari knalpot, tangki bensin, dan rangka.. Terus terang awe pun penasaran dengan tampang CBR lokal ini jika sudah jadi kelak.. dan kebetulan bro Paperiders malah sudah membuat renderan CBR150 ala AHM.. :mrgreen:
11 April 2014
berita, curhat, events, motoGP, otomotifmotoGP, Motor, NewsLetter, otomotif, Teknologi, Teknologi Informasi, trackback
AWe Hello bro n sist.. menjelang bergulirnya motoGP seri Austin Amerika, kabar mengejutkan datang dari pembalap senior motoGP Colin Edwards yang memutuskan untuk pensiun akhir musim 2014!!! Colin Edwards masuk ke motoGP sebagai juara dunia SBK pada musim 2003, selama berkarir di motoGP Edwards meraih 12 podium bersama Honda Gresini, Fiat Yamaha, dan Yamaha Tech 3.
8 April 2014
berita, curhat, eventsComparizone, Kritikan, NewsLetter, Teknologi Informasi
AWe Hello bro n sist sebulan belakangan ini wordpress sudah mengganti desain grafis emoticon-emoticonnya. Tidak seperti emoticon sebelumnya yang menurut awe lebih berasa emosinya, emoticon baru ini malah terlihat kalem mirip emoticon punya google hangouts. Emoticon pack yang baru kurang berasa emosinya bro n sist.. ini menurut Awe lho ya :roll:
AWe Hello bro n sist a month ago wordpress has been updating their emoticons graphical design. Unlike previous emoticons, new emoticons graphic is not presenting true emotion because new wordpress emoticons its too calm. New wordpress emoticons actually have looks similar with google hangouts emoticons. The new emoticon pack less taste emotions bro n sis .. this according my opinion.. :roll:
7 April 2014
berita, Gadget, Galeri, Handphone, PriceList, Teknologi, tipsandroid, BBM Android, BlackBerry, Comparizone, NewsLetter, samsung, Sony Xperia, Teknologi, Teknologi Informasi
AWe Hello bro n sist.. AWe kemaren baru update bbm android versi yang membawa bbm stickers dan bbm shop. Setelah awe buka bbm sticker malah masih kosong, ternyata harus download dulu dari bbm shop. BBM shop baru menyediakan 5 stickers yaitu BBM Sticker, CosCat, Gilberts Tales, Bubble Bot, dan Shaun the sheep. Yang gratis cuma satu doank, yaitu BBM Sticker.. selebihnya bayar.. :sad:
AWe Hello bro n sis .. yesterday awe updating bbm android to version, this version have new features like bbm stickers and bbm shop. After that im open the bbm sticker and voila..bbm sticker is still empty, obviously must download it first at bbm shop. BBM Shop have 5 bbm stickers, namely BBM Sticker, CosCat, Gilberts Tales, Bubble Bot, and Shaun the sheep. And only bbm stickers are free.. 4 others stickers must buy.. :sad:
agoey weblog | simply blog, about what i'm thinking..
simply blog, about what i'm thinking.. AWe Hello bro n sistWindows XP singkatan Xtreme Programming..ya OS (Operating System.red) terbaik dan terpopuler
Blogs - InfoWorld - Business technology, IT news, product ...
Feature; Review: Microsoft Office 365 vs. Google Apps. Web browser or Office suite? Microsoft's and Google's office productivity and collaboration clouds pit rich and
Gan ? ane nw lah mika ma batok depan . . ane d btam ne pnya ane rsak btuh bgd ne. bls e . .
Will Richardson collects ideas for Web logs in the classroom, asks questions to the teacher Web logging community, and reflects on his teaching. His blog is also
UThink: Blogs at the University of Minnesota
Documenting the efforts of the University Libraries to bring blogs to the U. of Minnesota campus community.
Phitmomma's Blog | Just another WordPress.com weblog
Today I celebrate 7 weeks free from Plastic Hell!!!! WOOHOOO!!!! This morning Im sitting on my front porch, having tea with my dog watching the birds.
Thomas P.M. Barnett's Globlogization - Blog
I've come to the decision that I no longer wish to blog on a daily (okay, "weekdaily") basis, and since I have the option of going to Battleland (thanks to Mark
Nevertoomuchglitter's Weblog | Each Nail Is A Tiny Canvas
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The Word of Notch
Blog by the game's developer focusing on Minecraft development.
ComputerZen.com - Scott Hanselman - Coder, Blogger ...
Sponsor: Big thanks to Novalys for sponsoring the blog feed this week! Check out their security solution thatcombines authentication and user permissions.
ConversionConversion EmoticonEmoticon