Megashares - Drag. Drop. Yup. The first site to provide

Megashares - Drag. Drop. Yup. The first site to provide FREE file hosting with drag n drop support.

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  • Select the file or files you wish to upload.
  • Choose the options best suited for your upload (password protect, description, email notification)
  • Make sure to read the TOS and confirm by checking the confirmation checkbox.
  • Click "Start Upload".
  • You will receive a URL that you can email to your friends or keep for yourself. Depending on your selected options, the URL may be sentautomatically the provided email.
'; //alert($("#"+uploader.files[i].id).html()) $(strDescriptionHTML).insertAfter( $( "#"+uploader.files[i].id+" .plupload_file_name" )); $( "#"+uploader.files[i].id).append(strCustomFielsHTML); } if(!isFileAdded) { var strTOSHtml = '

'; strTOSHtml += ' I agree to the TOS'; strTOSHtml += '

'; var strEmailHTML = ''; $(strEmailHTML+strTOSHtml).insertAfter($("#html5_uploader_filelist")); } isFileAdded =- true; }); uploader.bind('FileUploaded', function(up,files,res){ if(parseInt(res.response) > 0) { ar_uploaded_file_ids.push(parseInt(res.response)); } else { alert(res.response); } }); uploader.bind('BeforeUpload', function(up, files){ var strFileId =; var strDesc = ( $("#txt_description_"+strFileId).val() == 'description' || $("#txt_description_"+strFileId).val() == ' description') ? '' : $("#txt_description_"+strFileId).val() ; var strPassword = ($("#txt_password_"+strFileId).val() == 'password' || $("#txt_password_"+strFileId).val() == ' password') ? '' : $("#txt_password_"+strFileId).val() ; var strCategory = $("#ddl-upload_category_"+strFileId).val(); var strEmail = $("#txt_email").val(); var bSearchable = $("#chk_searchable_"+strFileId).attr("checked"); var strSearchable = (bSearchable) ? 'on' : 'off'; up.settings.multipart_params = {uploadFileDescription: strDesc,passProtectUpload:strPassword, uploadFileCategory:strCategory,searchable:strSearchable,emailAddress:strEmail} }) $(".txt_desc").live("focus", function(){ var strId = $(this).attr("id"); if(!array_key_exists(strId, arTemp) || $(this).val() == 'description') { $(this).val(""); arTemp[strId] = true; } }) $(".txt_desc").live("blur", function(){ var arIDs = $(this).attr("id").split("_"); if($(this).val().length

Megashares - Drag. Drop. Yup. The first site to provide ...
How Does Megashares Work? Select the file or files you wish to upload. Choose the options best suited for your upload (password protect, description, email notification)

Megashares - Drag. Drop. Yup. The first site to provide ...
Our mission at is to provide a cloud, file hosting service to our customers and users. We offer free, limited storage that users can leverage to share

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